Many movies
were made based on what went on; like “Shooting Dogs” and “Sometimes in April”.
None more famous though than award-winning “Hotel Rwanda”; in which a man, a
true human, from the Hutu ethnic majority helps out as many Tutsi civilians as
he possibly could putting his own life and his family at risk in the process.
It’s a truly powerful and uplifting movie that shows what humans are really
made of despite the madness all around.
Rwanda Background - Genocide
Let’s take a bit of a look at the
historical background in Rwanda. The Belgians, who occupied Rwanda, favored the
Tutsi minority over the 85% Hutu majority. A Hutu revolution took place in 1959
which resulted in 300,000 Tutsis fleeing the country. The country was declared
a republic then, and Belgians granted Rwanda independence in 1962. Ethnic
violence, however, continued until a moderate Hutu “Habyarimana” came to rule
in 1973, he stayed in power for years to come. In 1990 forces of RPF, mostly
Tutsi invaded the country from Ughanda and then a ceasefire was declared and in
1993 and Habyarimana signed a power-sharing agreement with them.

After its victory, RPF established a
coalition government, with Pasteur Bizimungu, a Hutu, as president and Paul
Kagame, a Tutsi, as vice president and defense minister, and a new constitution
adopted in 2003 eliminated reference to ethnicity.
response... in Rwanda's case
As in the case of atrocities committed
in the former Yugoslavia around the same time, the international community
largely remained on the sidelines during the Rwandan genocide. A U.N. Security
Council vote in April 1994 led to the withdrawal of most of a
U.N. peacekeeping operation (UNAMIR). As reports of the genocide spread, the
Security Council voted in mid-May to supply a more robust force, including more
than 5,000 troops. By the time that force arrived in full, however, the
genocide had been over for months. In a separate French intervention approved
by the U.N., French troops entered Rwanda from Zaire in late June. In the face
of the RPF's rapid advance, they limited their intervention to a
"humanitarian zone" set up in southwestern Rwanda, saving tens of
thousands of Tutsi lives but also helping some of the genocide's
plotters--allies of the French during the Habyarimana administration--to
In the aftermath of the Rwandan
genocide, many prominent figures in the international community lamented the
outside world's general obliviousness to the situation and its failure to act
in order to prevent the atrocities from taking place. As former U.N.
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali told the PBS news program "Frontline":
"The failure of Rwanda is 10 times greater than the failure of Yugoslavia.
In October 1994, the International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), located in Tanzania, was established as an
extension of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) at The Hague. In 1995, the ICTR began indicting and trying a number of
higher-ranking people for their role in the Rwandan genocide; the process was
made more difficult because the whereabouts of many suspects were unknown. The
trials continued over the next decade and a half, including the 2008 conviction
of three former senior Rwandan defense and military officials for organizing
the genocide.
The Syria
Background - Revolution

response… in Syria’s case
As for the
international response; a lot can be said. The international community may not
have stayed on the sidelines the way it did in the Rwandese case, but it surely
didn’t show enough urgency to act as it watched human rights being dashed and
crushed by the regime in Syria. It is fair to say that the geopolitical nature
of Syria played a key role in whatever is going on at the international scene;
it is far more complex and dangerous than it was in the case of a country such
as Rwanda. Many interests are at stake, and every international power wants
something out of it. The nation of Syria keeps struggling and goes on with
its revolution while the international powers play their game on Syrian

situation in Syria, like the ones in Rwanda and Yugoslavia before, is exposing
the weaknesses of the international community as well as the double-standards
of the big powers in our world. Will the lesson be learned this time? Will the screams
of victims make any difference? Will the efforts of activists and human rights
entities be properly acknowledged? Let’s face it, we don’t need millions and
billions to be spent on organizations that is designed to protect nations and
set international justice, but can’t do the job. The world needs to take a
deeper look into itself…!
I guess all
I wanna say here is that I really don’t want the situation and revolution in
Syria to be reduced, 10 years from now, to a guilt-triggered academy-award-winning
sensational Hollywood movie!
note: all text in grey concerning Rwanda was taken from a number of sources, and mainly from Wikipedia.